Thursday, 26 February 2009

LOVEFiLM to stream Movies to Xbox - UK! (maybe)


America's streaming movie service provided by Netflix has been a huge success!

The Xbox LIVE service seems really unfair, if you read MajorNelson's blog (xbox developer), how often to you read his new announcement folowed by (US only).

and with the currency exhange at the minute, we are paying a lot more than our American friends, for what is a much more limited service.

They pay $38.99 (which is £27.35)
We pay £40.00

But there's not a lot we can do bout it... I've asked MajorNelson bout it, but he refuses to respond.

I asked him why they don't make a similar arrangement with LOVEFiLM to provide a streaming service in the UK as well, and whilst he didn't respond, interestingly LOVEFiLM would reply to the same question.

Their response:

"It's something we're investigating and definitely and area that we'd like to explore."

so there's hope for us yet eh? Lets hope they get round to sorting this, before Netflix entend their coverage to the UK, surely there's a huge un-tapped market for both to grab at?

Lets face it, until you can stream movies for a membership fee of £5/month like they do in the States, we're not paying to rent movies from XBOX LIVE.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Far Cry 2 Review

Here's our latest podcast for theLostnFound, Me and Xane review *cough* preview Far Cry 2.It's in HD so hit that FULLSCREEN button, sit back and enjoy!

Stop Xbox Pirates! Report them!

Important: this is just my opinion, and as far as I know, no such system is in place. However if there is such a system, tell me and I'l promote it!

Ok so everybody knows you can crack your xbox 360 so it'll play games from copied discs.

It's cheap, it's Scummy and it happens... alot.

With general hacking there's a 'COOL' element, where we stand in awe at what could be achieved by taking something to bits, flashing the firmware, or installing mods, that's kinda in our nature.

But when that comes to the XBOX 360, it's a big NO!

The Xbox 360 has something, all other gaming consoles lack, do you know what it is...? answer="community"

Whatever games your into, chances are at some point you've played online, and if you've played online more than once you'll probably already have people on your friends list ready to share your favourite games with.

It's open to all people from all over the world and so of course you get a few idiots, but in general you can build up a healthy list of new 'friends'.

Outa this shared gaming experience comes a level of respect for each other, you've all chosen to invest your hard-earned money into this company, and enjoy sharing the experience together. The problem is, we're not all paying are we...?

So yeah we all know the prices are jacked up skyhigh! Especially here in the UK, where games are released around the £50 mark (sometimes more!) so on minimum wage your goin' to have to work for more than 10hours to pay for a game! crazy but that's the climate we live in at the moment.

One of the reasons the prices are so high is that a large percentage of people aren't paying for their games, and so the rest of us have to foot a much heftier bill to pay the way for these idiots. Of course this is illegal, and generally frowned upon, but what is really being done about it? Sure police might catch a few of the major re-sellers who make a living outa burning copies of games and selling them on at £5 a disc, but what about all the people sat at home playing their cracked Xbox's.

I can only afford to have a couple of games at a time, so when i want a new game.... first i have to wait for it to come down from £50 to around £30 (takes bout 2 months) then sell my old games on ebay and use the cash to subsidies the cost of the new game. It really doesn't seem right that people with Cracked Xbox's have every new game, as soon as it's released, pay nothing, and sit their happy that they'll never get caught.

The Solution? .... well I've been thinkin about this issue for years, i guess there are privacy laws stopping Microsoft from spying in on everyone's machines without a reason to be suspicious, and then how do they detect the crack?

So far the best solution I can come up with is why not have an official Microsoft site, where gamers can submit the gamertags of people they know who have a cracked xbox?

I think they under-estimate how many people know someone who has a hacked box, and the general feelings towards the people who don't pay. It's not like we'd have to get  personal about it, the submissions could beanonymous and they don't have to submit the persons name or details, just punch in their gamertag and hit submit. Surely Microsoft have all the info they need to take it from there, with every gamertag linked to a MSN passport, and if the account has been live in the past they'll have their address too!

Whatever happens, i really feel something should change, as the current attempts to pursue piracy are falling short, and people aren't scared enough of doing it, as no-one is getting caught.

till i have any new ideas, thats it for now...

any of you guys have suggestions?

Friday, 20 February 2009

Create Your Own G1 Android Wallpaper!

Ok so if like me you have invested in the world's first Google phone, chances are sooner or later you'll be wanting to change your wallpaper.

Of course there's plenty of free wallpapers out there, but if you want to make them yourself here's some info you might find useful.


the G1 display is 320x480 pixels (portrait mode), but then of course you have three desktop screens to slide between left and right.

These screen are not side by side though, they overlap.

The overall wallpaper size should be 640x480.

Here's a visual representation of how the desktops overlap


Click it to view this Jpeg in full resolution. You may find it usefull as a guide when making your own wallpapers to see where they'll overlap.

Alternatively you can download the Photoshop Template i built here  Photoshop G1 wallpaper template.

When you've built your wallpaper, save it as a jpeg and email to yourself at your Gmail account.

Easily pick up the email on your phone and save the attachment, it'll save by default to your pictures folder.

that's it, Have Fun!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Extra stuff in the Box - G1 (UK Feb'09)

I just got one of the latest released G1 phones exclusive to T-Mobile.

I say latest release because they've started including a couple of extra things in the box.

I chose the Black one (even though the White one came out after), and was pleased to find that they'd bothered to re-package the black phones too.

The three things i found in the box that i hadn't seen on previous unboxing videos, was:

- a cleaning cloth (like you get with glasses)

- a screen protector, a thin piece of plastic to peel off and stick over your screen, although it wasn't sticky at all, more like it was held in place by static, saying that i got in prefectly lined up (second attempt) and it hasn't slipped despite me draggin my fingers across the screen, it won't budge.


- Headphones/Handfree adapter, the phone used to come with a pair of headphones with their unique usb plug on (not the normal 3.5mm headphone jack) but i got an adapter with the usb connector on one end and ended with a mic pod with the standard headphone socket in (plus the pair of crappy headphones that come with it, like will most likely stay in the box), and a small button, i guess when using the headphones if your phone rings you can press the button to take the call using the handsfree.

I'll come back and add some more pics once i've had chance to take 'em. (pic taken on my G1)

Friday, 6 February 2009

6 ways to improve your Xbox Experience!

Hi Guys, finally got the new Podcast Online!

I know some of this stuffs pretty basic, but hopefully there's something in there you didn't know about.

Although it's small on the page, it is in HD so feel free to hit that FullScreen Button!

Hope you enjoy it!