Wednesday 24 October 2007

Facebook shaken to its core.

There's something terribly addictive about what is essentially quite a basic website. I guess that's the beauty of it, being able spend hours browsing through random peoples lives.

The problem begins when you start gettin those random friend invites from people who live in countries you've never heard of, and then you realise that most of your friend list is made up of people who you never speak to, dont wana see their photos or hear their news and the only interaction you have is when they invite you to become a flippin vampire everyday!

I decided it was time to cull my friend list.

The idea sounds a little harsh - Rejecting offers of friendship from people i used to be at school with. But the reality is that i'll never speak to these people. So the only reason they're still on my list is the fact it makes both me and them appear like we have more friends.

So the result? - Really good, i'm happy that i dont have 5 random invites everytime i sign in, i dont seem to have p**sed anyone off by deleting them, and the news feed has actually become of use. I used to ignore it or sift through tryin to spot someone i care about, but now all the entries are relevant and by reading through i can really catch up on my friends activity.

So What Do They See? - Apparently nothing, they're not notified that you've deleted them, it doesn't post on your mini-feed or anything, they just drop off your friend list and you disappear off theirs. The only way they'd notice is if they went to find you on their list and you weren't there.

Depending on your privacy settings you may or may not still be visible on a public search, but i've had no comebacks.

So run through your friends list and delete the people you just aren't friends with and start enjoying facebook again, and know that if you can still see me then i value our friendship and if i drop off your friends list anytime soon i'l try not to be offended.

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